Organic Garage is committed to accessibility for all persons with disabilities with regards to customer service, accommodations, communications, employment and public spaces both currently and in the future.
Organic Garage complies with the standards specified under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) as documented in the following policies:
In the new year, both of the remaining Organic Garage locations will close for renovations and be reopening a part of the Cousins Marketplace chain. In collaboration with the Battaglia family, Cousins will now lead the operations of both their stores and the recently acquired Organic Garage locations, which will be rebranded and redesigned to meet Cousins’ exceptional standards.
Effective Immediately the Organic Garage stores in Thornhill and Oakville will be closed, with reopening planned for February/March under the Cousins Marketplace banner. Follow @cousinsmarket for updates, and thank you for your continued support as we work together to enhance your grocery experience.